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Moving Forward with Madison


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Take Part in Moving Arlington County, Virginia Forward

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Why I'm Running

I believe any democracy is healthier when it has a robust and competitive marketplace of ideas, which to me means having more than two parties with a seat at the table. We need more than two parties in America. And we need more than one party in Arlington, which is effectively what we have now.

The bitter divides we've seen in our community in recent years around Missing Middle/EHO are a symptom of this problem. Because we don't have healthy competition in our general elections, the Democratic primary voters choose the de facto winners for our County Board members. Primary voters are, however, a smaller and less representative cohort of the population than the general election voters.

I want to help lead our community away from the dysfunction that the current monopoly system creates. As a moderate and someone with loved ones on both sides of the aisle, I believe we need effective leaders who bring us together to find effective, common ground solutions.

I am running for Arlington County Board as a candidate for the Forward Party, a national political movement that aims to model civility in politics, pass reforms that give more voice to the people, and prioritize collaborative problem-solving over party rhetoric.

I'm running to give Arlington voters more choice in the general election and do my part in ensuring our government is representative and responsive. Servant leadership and open-minded listening are core tenets of my campaign. I'm looking forward to knocking on doors across Arlington to understand the diverse needs of our community.

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